what’s your gravitational pull?

“Gravitate toward those who like you to be powerful.”
– Rob Breszny, Free Will Astrology, Dec 2-8 2009

I wrote this down in my notebook back in 2009, when I was still reading this horoscope column. I glance at it every now and again as a reminder. It’s a variation on a fairly common saying, but I like the wording of it. It’s like I’m in my orbit, and I can turn the dials on my gravity settings to choose what I gravitate towards and what I steer away from. It’s not an exclusion or a hard line; it’s a subtle shift about where I want my orbit to take me, and the people I want circling my planet (and whose planet(s) I want to circle in return).

Also, powerful can mean lots of different things. I’ve certainly gone through some shifts related to this as well and now find power in much gentler, kinder things than I did 10 or 15 years ago.

Where does your orbit take you? Is it time to shift your gravitational pull? And how are you powerful?